Winter Pond Care

If you have a pond on your landscape, you know what a luxury it is to have beautiful fish and plants right by your home. However, you also know that when temperatures become brutally cold, you need to do whatever you can to make sure the fish and plants in your pond make it through the winter months. Here are several handy tips that can ensure your pond remains healthy in the harsh weather:
Take Advantage of a De-Icer
It’s essential to install a de-icer before the winter hits because a de-icer will assist in keeping a part of your pond open so that an oxygen and gas exchange can occur. To ensure that your de-icer is functioning at its optimal level, be sure to install it in the shallowest area of your pond and shield from the wind as much as you can. If you have a larger pond, you may need to install multiple de-icers.
Avoid Feeding Fish
When the water in your pond drops to low temperatures, you should avoid feeding your fish. It’s a good idea to start feeding your fish less and less as soon as it starts getting cold so they get used to it. In the event that you experience a warm spell for a day or two, do your best to resist the urge to feed as feeding fish in the winter can end their life.
Safeguard Against Leaves & Debris
In order to prevent the winds from filling your pond with leaves and other debris, add some netting over it. Leaves and other debris may build up on the bottom of your pond and produce gasses as they decay, leaving your fish stressed. Additionally, netting over your pond will shield your fish from raccoons and other animals.
Turn Off Pumps
Your fish will be spending most of their time in the warmer water near the bottom of your pond. For those reason, you should turn off your pumps so that you do not disturb them. If you choose to remove your pump, take the time to clean it thoroughly and make sure that its electrical cord is in good condition.
Stay Prepared
Power outages are common in the winter due to the severe storms the season brings. You should come up with a game plan so that you can power de-icers if a power outage does arise. It may be worthwhile to invest in a generator to make winter pond care easier and protect your pond investment.
Keep in mind that just because your pond will be on a hiatus for several months in the winter, doesn’t mean it won’t add to the curb appeal of your property. By following these tips, you will enjoy a stunning pond with healthy fish once the spring season comes around.