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Why Gutter Guards Should Be Your Next Home Renovation

April 19, 2017
Amanda Curry
Read Time
3 minutes

As homeowners, we take great pride in fixing up our home and taking care of our property. We may even invest in new renovations to keep our household modern and up to date. Furthermore, we take the necessary precautions to keep our protected and safe from different types of damages.

You may not realize it, but your eavestroughs play an important role with the health of your home. When your eavestroughs become clogged, water can spill over the side of your home leading to a variety of expensive and serious water related issues.

The next time you are renovating your property, you may want to consider installing an effective gutter guard, like LeafFilter. Here are 7 reasons why.

gutter guards home renovation

1. Protect Against Foundation Damage

Clogged eavestroughs will cause rainwater to run down the side of your home and gather at the base of your property. That standing water can contribute to serious and costly foundation damage as it will erode and weaken your property’s structure.

Repairing your foundation can be expensive. Many homeowners report foundation damage costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, eavestrough guards will prevent clogged gutters, safely diverting the water away from your home.

2. Prevent Fascia and Soffit Damage

Your soffit and fascia are in close proximity to your eavestroughs. As your eaves become clogged with leaves, maple seeds, pine needles, and other debris, rainwater will flow down the side of your fascia and soffit.

This can leave unsightly staining on the side of your home, and contribute to mold and mildew problems that can be a headache to remedy. Furthermore, the rainwater can cause your fascia and soffit to rot away causing your eavestroughs to actually fall to the ground.

Installing eavestrough guards will not only end the continuous chore of eavestrough cleaning, but protect your home from fascia and soffit damage.

3. Roofing Damage

Roof repairs or replacement can be very expensive. In fact, roof replacement can cost thousands of dollars. To keep your roof in tip-top shape, it’s important to have clog-free gutters. When your gutters clog, water can back up onto your roof, leading to leaks and erosion over time. This can be incredibly expensive to replace.

4. Keep your Basement from Flooding

Do you have a finished basement with an awesome game room? Unfortunately, clogged gutters can put your clean and dry basement at risk. As water accumulates at the base of your home, it can seep into your basement and cause flooding. Not only is this a pain to clean up, it can ruin your valuables that you may have stored in your basement.

5. Prevent Mold and Mildew

Clogged eavestroughs not only put your home in danger, but your family’s health, too. In fact, clogged eaves can lead to the development of mold. Unfortunately, these harmful micro-organisms may cause serious damage or evoke allergies in you and your family. Keeping your eaves clear and clog-free is important for keeping your home mold and mildew free.

6. Landscape Erosion

Most homeowners take great pride in their landscaping. Unfortunately, clogged eavestroughs can completely destroy the landscaping around your home. Water can accumulate in your flower beds and ruin your landscape.

7. Heaving Driveway

Want to protect your driveway? Keep your gutters clear. If you have trees near your home, then you have complex root systems growing all around your most important investment. Roots will tend to go where the water is and they can start to travel to areas it shouldn’t, like your home’s driveway.

This can cause severe issues, like a heaving driveway. Gutter guards work to direct water away from your home, so tree roots won’t be tempted to grow towards your most valuable investments.

Choose LeafFilter Gutter Protection for Clog-Free Eavestroughs

LeafFilter is the most effective eavestrough guard on the market. Our product’s features combine to create a completely sealed system that only accepts water into your gutters, safely diverting it away from your home.

Leaves, shingle grit, pine needles, maple spinners, and other debris are diverted over the subtle drip edge, so you can enjoy the peace of mind that your gutters are protected for life.

Benefits of LeafFilter:

  • No Obligation Estimate – Good for 1 Year
  • Lifetime Transferable Warranty
  • Free Gutter Cleaning and Realignment Included with Install
  • Installs on your Existing Eavestroughs

Contact us for a FREE no obligation estimate at 800-290-6106 or learn more about our product.