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Avoid Permanent Home Damage This Spring

March 5, 2014
Amanda Curry
Read Time
3 minutes

The first day of spring has come and gone – spring is here! We get it, your list of spring cleaning tasks is always growing, but you just want to get outside and enjoy the sun and warmth after the long and dreary winter. The last thing you want to think about is clogged gutters or pulling the ladder out to clean up the mess winter left behind on the roof and in the gutters. But the reality is, you’ve got to tackle this chore if you want to avoid permanent damage to your home.

Clogged gutters are a serious problem that can have a negative effect on many different aspects of your home. Clogged gutters can do serious damage to your roof, foundation and overall integrity of your home. Beware of clogged gutters because, like the flow of seasons, you’ll eventually deal with the consequences if you don’t take proactive measures.

The arduous task of cleaning the yard, garden and roof seems like a never-ending battle. And don’t even mention the gutters! After an hour and a half of cleaning gutters, you will have hauled the ladder around the entire exterior of your home – no easy task. All to avoid serious damage to your home and health concerns for your family, as clogged gutters that allow water to enter the home can lead to mold and mildew.

Have you given gutter guards a thought before the rain rolls in this spring? Since quality time with friends and family can be hard to find these days, consider spending time this spring creating a new family tradition and making memories. Head outdoors and divide your family and friends into teams and have fun playing a friendly game of football, baseball or basketball together. You could also play a group game of Hide and Seek or Kick-the-Can. Remember playing Capture the Flag as a child? Try it again with your kids and friends.

With professionally-installed gutter guards, you’ll enjoy clog free gutters. You and your family will be able to enjoy the spring warmth and blooming flowers. Make the most of the longer days and the yard filling green; don’t waste your time up on the ladder cleaning and clearing out clogged gutters.

Many homeowners throughout the country have started to use gutter guards options as a welcome change to the old way of cleaning gutters. Who wants to clean clogged rain gutters anyway? With a gutter guard, cleaning is a thing of the past. Now you can focus on more important things in life, like getting in an extra round of golf in.

If you’re really feeling adventurous this spring, and everyone has helped clear away the yard of winter debris, head to a nearby wilderness area and explore local hiking trails together. Or just stay in the neighborhood and take a family walk or bike ride in your neighborhood. Remember to have guests bring walking shoes or bicycles when you invite them over for a BBQ. With gutter guards, you won’t have to waste the time up on the ladder cleaning out clogged gutters. You’ll have more time for another round of golf or an ice cream cone at the local dairy bar.

Isn’t it great that you are able to spend this time with your friends and family? The yard looks wonderful as spring moves along, and you still have the energy to play since the days are longer and the sun is finally out again. Gutter cleaning has finally taken a backseat to your family and holiday fun with just one simple step; you have LeafFilter™ gutter protection guards. Homeowners across the country have utilized gutter protection to reap the benefits of clog free gutters and eliminate the need for cleaning gutters multiple times a year. With free-flowing rain gutters that never again will clog, homeowners have been able to focus on the splendor and excitement that accompanies spring.

Gutter protection comes in many different styles and types depending on your budget and roof shingle design. Many systems on the market that guarantee clog free gutters have to be installed under your roof’s shingles, but this defaults the warranty on your roof – a risk many installers don’t tell buyers. But not with LeafFilter™ Gutter Protection, as the LeafFilter™ system will not disturb your roof or shingles.

It installs easily over your existing rain gutter and never defaults your roof’s warranty. LeafFilter™ gutter guards eliminate the need to clean out clogged rain gutters, leaving you time to enjoy everything that each season has to offer.