5 Craziest Things Living In Your Gutters

April 8, 2014
Amanda Curry
Read Time
2 minutes
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Snakes: As crazy as it sounds, we’ve dealt with a snake living in the gutter. It wasn’t fun. This is one of the possible risks you’re taking when living with gutters that aren’t protected with the stopping power of LeafFilter Gutter Guards. Our eavestrough protection system keeps all dirt, debris, sticks, and wildlife out of them – even snakes! Nothing but water will ever enter a gutter that is protected by LeafFilter. Imagine if you went up for a simple gutter cleaning and encountered this slippery thing living in your gutters! Scary stuff.
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Squirrels: Just as common as birds setting up nests in your gutters, we run into a lot of squirrels living in them. Sometimes these little guys construct a home out of sticks and leaves in the gutter system, which is also essentially a dam – blocking the proper flow of water. A gutter system in good working order will keep your home dry and can prevent costly damages. If clogs occur, it’s possible for water to overflow and create structural or foundation issues. Don’t allow squirrels to ruin your home.
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Nest: Birds and other animals are always looking for a secure place to build their home. Turns out an unprotected gutter system is the perfect place to raise a family of birds and hide from unwanted predators. Unfortunately, any nest or makeshift home for wildlife will clog the gutters and cause serious damage to your greatest investment: Your Home.
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Bees and Pests: Bees that set shop and wreak havoc on the exterior of a home is a common occurrence for homeowners living with unprotected gutters. Any bee hive around the home will continually ruin any summer BBQ or even the simplest walk out the front door. Beehives are commonly seen before a LeafFilter Gutter Guard install.
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Growing Garden: You might not realize it, but neglected gutter system can easily sprout a garden and overtake your roof. The growing garden will not only ruin the curb appeal of your home, but also prompt gutter clogs and allow water to overflow. Runoff water from gutter backup can cause serious damage by flowing into windows, woodwork, siding, and the foundation, which all creates serious structural issues.
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