Lower Air-Conditioning Costs This Summer

For many people summer is one of their favorite times of year – food trucks, water activities and enjoying the great outdoors. With the summer heat comes dreadful air-conditioning costs. Use the tips below to learn how to beat the heat and lower air-conditioning costs.
Make Use of Auto Mode
If you have central air, set your fan to shut off at the same time as the compressor, which is done by setting the fan to “auto” mode. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your cooling will be.
Use a Fan
Instead of air-conditioning, you can install a whole-house fan. Fans should be on the upper level of your home and windows should be open on a lower level.
Step-Up Your Garden Game
Planting leafy trees to stop the sun from reaching inside your home and to shade your air conditioner could boost your air-conditioning’s efficiency by up to 10 percent.
Window Screens
Window films reflect heat before it’s transmitted through glass, but windows must be shut for the film to work. Installing solar screens stop up to 70 percent of solar energy before it enters the home.
Raise the Temperature
Save 5 percent to 15 percent by raising the thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home and let it rise even higher at night or when you’re not at home.
Maintain Your Air-Conditioning System
Replacing your older air conditioner can cut your energy costs in half, especially by using an Energy Star-qualified unit.
Do your wallet a favor and utilize these tip for lower air-conditioning costs. It’s a win-win. You’ll have more money back into your wallet, and you’re helping the environment.